Thursday Thirteen……Things I Need to Pick Up…

16 08 2007

…from Target.

It’s been a cool minute since I’ve been in Target to get things that I’ve needed and wanted. I’ve been on a tight budget the past few months so I’ve had to limit my buying stuff and well, I’m in dire need of a LOT of things and really, I just want to spend some money this weekend so that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Here’s my shopping list of things to get…and things I want to get, just because.

1. Shampoo/Conditioner.

I’m down to putting water in my bottle and shaking it up to make the shampoo last, how sad is that? Tonight, I’m honestly thinking of using Brenna’s shampoo and conditioner.

2. Lotion.

I use Dove lotion, the cucumber one and man that smells so frickin’ good, I like to keep more than one of these bottles and I’m down to my last bottle, I don’t have an extra one and so I need to pick some more up.

3. Razors.

My sister just saw that I was typing out this post and she’s like, well, you can pick up some more razors, Chloe and Chelsea used most of them already so we need more. So that’s on the list.

4. Surfboards and Plugs.

She also said, “While you’re at it, pick up more surfboards and plugs.” So, on the list it goes.

5. Facial Cleanser.

I need more of this, just because I’m going over there, I’m not desperate for this but I could use more.

6. Tide.

My laundry pile is ginormous, I need to stop buying new clothes and wash the clothes that I have already…sheesh.

7. New Shoes for Brenna.

I’m sure I’m not going to get this at Target, but I need to remember to get Brenna some new shoes before school starts….her old vans have a hole in them and she just needs new ones, it’s about that time.

8. Back to School Supplies.

School starts next month and Brenna needs crap for it so I’ll be buying these things soon, you know the regulars…papers, notebook, penicils, markers and errthang like that.

9. A New Church Dress.

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve gotten a new Church Dress, I’m due.

10. Something NEW to read.

Any suggestions on this one? I’m in a slump of the worst kind and I’m wanting to get out of this funk…any pimps ya’ll can help me out with?

11. The Neyo CD.

I’m stuck on stupid for Neyo right now…when the CD first came out, I bought the cd on iTunes but I want to have the actual CD, so I want to pick this up from Target this weekend. My songs are #10 and #12 oh and #3…those are the cuts! GET THIS CD IF YOU HAVEN’T, it’s the bomb!

12. A New Digital Camera.

I need to either get my camera fixed or get a new one…I’m leaning toward getting a new one though, but I like my old one…oh the decisions I have to make. Ugh.

13. A Man..

Yeah, I said it….haha.



12 responses

16 08 2007

LMAO at surfboards and plug. HA HA!!!

Yeah, I need to make a targe run soon too. I always end up buying more crap than I need.

16 08 2007

Me too, Iz…me too, but hey when I do go to Target, it’s on and crackin’ , I can’t help myself! haha.

16 08 2007

I’ve been avoiding Target for just that reason..but I need to go soon, too. *sigh*

A man?? hahaha

16 08 2007

I’m still trying to figure out WHY you want to spend money on CD when there’s the internet. It boggles the mind. 😛

Damn woman get some shampoo and leave the child’s alone! LOL.

16 08 2007


Yep..wish me luck.


I want to support Neyo, I love his music and was bummed that I missed him at the House of Blues. He’s that tight to me…

17 08 2007

Like the new look!
I’ve never heard them called surfboards and plugs I like it may have to use it myself!
Have fun shopping!

18 08 2007

I heart Target. I only go in when I have a few extra bucks. The DVD section always gets me in trouble…

18 08 2007
Camiseta Personalizada

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada.If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

19 08 2007

We don’t have Target, we have Walmart and now it’s a big ass Supercenter Walmart. Try going in there and not spending over a hundred bucks.

I’m getting tired of supersized stores – what if you just need shampoo? Walking all over the place. Meh.

I haven’t read anything this month. Everyone and their brother keeps dropping in and the animals keep shedding so stuff needs to get done.

Uh, but, Cool Guy?


20 08 2007

I thought mormons weren’t allowed to surf.

20 08 2007


Thanks, Mailyn did it, isn’t she the best? And yeah, that’s what we call those things…


Hey girly, how are you doing? The whole store of Target gets me in trouble…haha.


Wal Mart, we’ve got that too and I love it but the one by my house is soooo ghetto and I don’t like going there unless I really have too.

I haven’t read much of anything either…I started Eclipse and am STILL reading it after three weeks, it’s not the business I tell ya but there you go.

..and about Cool Guy (his name is Nathan), things are still cool, we’re really good friends and still enjoying ourselves, not much to report on that tip, but we’re still around…=)

22 08 2007

I’ve been better. My friend passed away, still haven’t found a job and my jeans are getting too tight for my fat ass. Sounds like things are going well for you though 🙂

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