The Story…

7 08 2007

…of why I had to change my blogging address.

This blog is for my friend, Nets, all the way over there in hottie filled England because she was looking for me yesterday and I wanted her to know why I had to change my blog URL and why she couldn’t find me when she went to my old link…so, Nets sweetie pie, this blog’s for you…=)

A while ago, I blogged anonymously because I didn’t want people to know about this blog, this blog was going to be my outlet for when I was pissed, sad, hurt and whatever else I was feeling at any given moment but the very people that I was hiding this blog from, found it and became my biggest readers and supporters, so I came out of the anonymous closet.

Since, I wasn’t really blogging about anything personal on this blog, I added the link to my blog on my myspace. I didn’t care who read it and I didn’t care if anyone knew about my blog….

..up until I started posting about Cool Guy.

Since it had been months since I linked my blog on my myspace, I completely forgot about the links and everything….

…until my friend Juju decided to actually READ my myspace and follow the yellow link road over to my blog where he read all about my moments with Cool Guy and read enough about my relationship with Cool Guy to put the pieces together and gather enough amunition to razz the hell out of me and blackmail me to keep his silence. I had not yet told Cool Guy about my personal blog, though he did know about my book blog. So, I had to tell Cool Guy that I was talking about him on my blog and that Juju and Miah aka BIG MOUTH were blackmailing me and teasing him about it all.

Now, everything was said in good fun and whatever, but we all agreed that maybe it was a good idea for me to change my URL because a certain person we all didn’t want to be reading my stuff because she’s kind of….well, shady so I agreed to change my URL anyway…just in case because, of all people, I didn’t want her to read my blog, just because, well…I’m not very fond of her.

So, because of all that drizama, I had to change my URL and I’m now tootin’ that thang, here at”. So, I hope you guys all change your URL addresses for my new blog home and I hope you guys will journey with me through all the rest of my drama’s and reviews and what not…

…so change those links por favor and let’s keep the party going, shall we?
