22 06 2007

You’ll have to forgive me if I sound like a major fan girl right now because last night I pretty much felt like one and I don’t give a damn, the concert was totally off the hook. For the last week or so, the best friend Mulu and I have been bugging our friend, Nathan who works at the House of Blues in Anaheim if he can get us tickets to see Elliott Yamin, one of our boys from American Idol. The concert was last night and he called Mulu to tell her that he got us in.

And he was not lying when he said that he got us in because when I say, got us in, he did more than that. You see, we were supposed to meet him out front at 7pm but in true Wena and Mulu fashion, we got there at 8:30pm which in a large part was due to the fact that we had to make an appearance at my mini me’s graduation from middle school, she graduated from 8th grade yesterday and will be starting her high school years in September. So anyway, we left the graduation at about 7pm after getting the call from Nathan that he was finally able to snare some tickets for us.

We got to the House of Blues and parking was unbelievable. There was not ONE single parking space in the whole parking lot and we had to stoop down to following couples that were walking to their cars and asking them if we can have their parking spots when they leave. After finally getting a parking space, Mulu changed from her work clothes into a pair of jeans with her babydoll dress and her ballerina slippers and we were off to the concert.

Once we reached the House of Blues, we noticed that there was a long line in front of the doors leading up to where the concert was being held. You can hear music blaring inside and figured it was the opening act, some guy named Josh Hoge. I don’t know who he is or what kind of music he played because we didn’t see him perform at all. We were too busy looking for Nathan, who had our tickets. After being made to look really stupid in front of the people who were standing in line and being checked out and what not, we were escorted to the side of the building to the door that Nasty Nate was working.

He shook his head when he saw us, looking at his watch, letting us know just how late we were in meeting him. When we told him what happened and he told us what happened with the other girls he gave tickets too, telling us that he was pissed off because our other friend that he gave tickets too was trying to bring in some chick that he couldn’t stand so he sent them back out to the line outside and told them he could only get 3 tickets and made the girl he can’t stand buy her own ticket outside.

I was rollin’.

So anyway, after chatting for a few minutes with him, he led us to the club from the back, we saw the backstage where Elliott and the band were setting up for the concert but we couldn’t go up there because well, we weren’t that kind of VIP. LOL. So anyway, Nate escorts us to the club through the back door and when we get into the club, bypassed the lines and what not, we’re standing directly to the right of the stage, stage left to him and it was an intimate setting because the club isn’t that big and the stage was pretty close, so we had great seats, our friend Chris (Nate’s sisters boyfriend) was manning the bar for a bit and he let us sit on the bar which gave us hella great seats in the house.

And then Elliott came onstage.

The boy is even better live than he was on TV during last season’s American Idol. He sang song after song from his album and he just rocked the hell out of the stage and the crowd. He’s a great entertainer and I was so hecka glad that we went to the concert because man, Elliott can blow!

But what made me feel bad for Elliott was Chris Richardson stole his thunder…atleast for me and Mulu.

You see, Elliott was talking about this little show he used to be on, called, American Idol and he wanted to give a shout out to the last season’s finalists who were in the house tonight and the spotlight was immediately shone to the balcony right across from us, when….CHRIS FRICKIN RICHARDSON was sitting right next to Jordyn Sparks.

Idols in attendance was, Phil Stacy, Brandon Rogers, this year’s winner Jordyn Sparks and my favorite Idol of the season, CHRIS FRICKIN RICHARDSON! Now that was something me and Mulu got VERY excited about! Throughout the show, I was distracted because I kept looking up because like a tweeny bopper fangirl, I was so excited to be in the same room with CHRIS FRICKIN RICHARDSON! haha.

I know, pathetic, huh? But still, HE WAS THERE YA’LL…I was more excited about seeing him there and seeing him get down to Elliott on stage. Soon into the show though, it was easy to forget that Chris was there because Elliott sang so many songs that had us bobbin’ our heads to the beat and just flat out having a good time too because he looked like he was having so much fun and just entertaining the socks off of me but I did notice toward the end of the show when the Idols got up and started making their way out of the club. I saw Chris leave and was naive enough to think that they were going to go up on stage and sing a few songs with Elliott but *sigh* they didn’t.

Oh well.

After the show was done and over, everyone started filing out but not before Elliott threw his towel into the audience and of all the damn people in the room to catch it, our friend Mindy caught the damn towel. We weren’t sitting/standing with them and we were trying to avoid them since the girl we can’t really stand was with them but they spotted us anyway and came rushing over to throw the towel in our faces to make us jealous. We were kind of jealous but then our luck turned for the better because while we were hanging out with Nathan, who was positioned near the same side door we came in through, ALL OF THE IDOLS passed us by to go to the bathrooms which were located directly across from where we were standing.

Both Mulu and myself were struck dumb at being so hot damn close to them. We were already not paying attention to anything that Nathan’s sister, Tiara was telling us because we were too busy watching Phil and Brandon walk into the ladies room.

We sat there wondering what was over there and was surprised to see Phil Stacy and Brandon Rogers walk toward us. We saw that Brandon Rogers saw us and wanted to come and say hi to us but when they disappeared around the corner we didn’t think that it was going to happen until, it actually did.

Phil and Brandon came walking out and walked right up to us and said hi and then we asked if we can take a picture with them and since my phone didn’t have a flash, we used Mulu’s phone to take our pictures. Tiara, my friend from high school took our pictures and was confused as to why we were getting so excited about a bunch of nobodies as she put it, but we were flushed with excitement!

And while Phil and Brandon were talking to us, telling us that they were going to hang with us for a few, we saw Chris Richardson, the man of our American Idol dreams come walking out of the bathroom flapping his hands in the air trying to dry them and rude ass Mulu rushed toward him, I, on the other hand was too polite to cut Phil Stacy off, I finished listening to him say what a great show Elliott put on, murmured to him, “Hold on, just a second” before I dashed over to Chris Richardson’s side.

Mulu says, “Can I take a picture with you?”

Chris gave her a dirty look and said, “No!” and then quick as lightning, that sexy smile of his spread across his face and he said, “Of course you can!” So I gleefully started toward him and Mulu threw the phone at me and said, “Me first!”

The tramp.

So I took a really cute picture of Mulu and Chris on her phone, then I pushed her out of the way and she took this picture of me and Chris on her phone:

Isn’t it cute? Oh goodness, the guy is frickin’ hot! And so after we took the picture, I told him that I voted for him a whole gang of times and my thoughts and my words were tripping over themselves and he just smiled and thanked us and then I said, “Okay, now we need a picture of the both of us with you, because we’re best friends” and he’s like, “Dude, GREEDY!” and he laughs and I gave him one of my Wena looks and it made him laugh and then he puts his arms around both me and Mulu and I handed the phone to Tiara and he goes, “Ooh, I get two girls!” And me and Mulu were like, *sigh* ing all over him.


Then we took this picture:

…and then Jordyn Sparks came out and we wanted to take a picture with her but she didn’t even acknowledge us, she just walked right passed us, Mulu called her and asked if we could take a picture but she didn’t even stop to say hi or anything she just walked right out the door without a glance our way…so whatever, trick…I didn’t care about her any damn way, Chris looked pretty embarrassed but oh well, we were so happy to meet HIM that we blew Jordyn’s snub right off. They all waved at us and Chris said bye to the both of us and then we were left with just, me, Mulu, Nathan and Tiara.

Nathan looked pretty disgusted with us, but we didn’t care. He kept saying, “Dude, what are we in high school again?”


And it was seriously the best night of the year!

*sorry the pics of Elliott are so small, they’re from my phone and I have no idea how to make them bigger without messing them up.*

This Is The Way It’s Really Going Down..

11 01 2007

..is this how we say goodbye? haha.

Gosh, last night’s show was off the hook. Mere words can’t explain how awesome a performer, Justin Timberlake is. He performed for over 2 hours and his show felt like it just kept going and going in a very good and happy way. I had a blast, I was seated up in the stands so I was nowhere near the stage but I didn’t feel very far away from him. The stage was set up so that he could have access to all the fans. And he totally used up the stage. He played different instruments, danced his socks off all while lookin’ pimp in his three piece suit.

I’m telling you, that boy is something else.

I was hella lovin’ it when he got up on stage and you know at the beginning when they tease you with him and all that junk? My heart was pounding with exitement like he was coming to perform just for me.

I thought I saw Trent from Pink is the New Blog but now that I think about it, probably it wasn’t him…I’m thinking it was wishful thinking but I know that he was there last night. Oh well, not that I could have gotten anywhere near him being that I saw him from afar but whatever, it was still a fantabulous time and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Holly for making it possible for me to go.

I didn’t get a chance to go and dazzle Justin with my sparkling personality and witty conversation because I had tired myself out by the end of the concert but dude, ya’ll have to see this one in concert because he is all kinds of the bomb.

If you’re planning to go and see the concert which I know some of you guys are, I won’t ruin the show for you but I will tell you that I don’t think you guys will be disappointed because Justin got dizown last night. I love this show more than the Nsync shows that I went to, this one is more for my grown up heart and man he totally got off.

Since I didn’t take a camera (whats new, eh?) Ya’ll will just have to go and check out the pictures roaming the internet, there’s plenty of them, trust me. But seriously, I’m in JT heaven right now…he most definitely brought sexy back last night in Anaheim.


Oh and real quick…Charmed One Tree Hill doesn’t come back with new episodes until next week, the 17th, so YAY, OUR SHOW IS COMING BACK, ONE MORE WEEK GUYS!

So Here’s The Thing…

16 12 2006

…Justin Timberlake is coming to town on January 9th at the Staple Center in Los Angeles.

And I really want to go.

No, seriously…I really want to go.

And I think that’s why I’m so Bah Hum Bug about Christmas because I don’t have any money left over to buy myself tickets to go to see my husband, Justin Timberlake in concert.

So this post serves as a request for help, no honestly this post serves as a plea to you dear readers to please help me, help you by funding my trip to the Staple Center on January 9th so that as a result of my going to this concert, ya’ll will have a holly jolly Dylan who will be full of fantabulous stories to tell on this here blog that ya’ll just love to read, the tickets are like $56 that I don’t have anymore.

So please help my broke ass make it to the concert, oh and Holly’s broke ass too. I mean seriously, if you think about it, my future is at stake here because how am I going to make JT fall in love with me if I don’t go to the concert? And Brenna needs a Dad, did that convince you guys of the importance of my attendence at this concert?

So, if you’re interested send me an email and I will name my first JT baby after you.

LMAO! Just kidding…

…well not really, but hmm.

Therese, Look What I Found?

15 12 2006

This is for you, Tita Boom…remember THIS? hahah…

HAHAHAHAHA, I used to know this whole damn concert by heart! haha. My favorite part of this song? “He always looks around, his eyes wander round” haha…Justins dance move to that one? Yep, I’m all on it! haha.

I’m Back..with Updates.

20 06 2006

Hey ya’ll!

Sorry it’s taken me to come back with updates on my concert experience but gosh, I’ve been tired since then that I took yesterday off to recoup. But, can I just say that I hella loved the concert…it had a lot to do with the people that I went with though. If you go with the right crowd, you’ll have fun no matter what you’re doing.

A recap.

So Friday night, the primping began. LOL. Friday night, my brother Pete asked Jess to braid his hair for the concert, so we spent the better part of Friday night handling that business, we had us some dinner and we watched Fast Inc. while Jess got to work on Pete’s hair. A few hours later, with his hair fresh pressed and dressed to impress, he thanks us and we take off. We take Jess’ little friend from work home and then we head out and do a Target run trying to find a shirt to wear for Jess. When we found the perfect shirt for her, we call it an early night. I went home and watched Something New and then my sister H finally got in and we spend the rest of the night catching up with her. We stayed up way too late talking and what not and woke up too early for comfort.

We did each other’s hair in the morning then they went and got their toes done and I stayed back and helped my brothers who came over to hang out upload songs onto his new Ipod. I downloaded pretty much every Kenny Chesney song ever made and then moved on to Dierks Bentley and uploaded all of it to Henry’s Ipod, since he already had Carrie Underwood.

Time for the concert came rolling around and my BIL gave my older brother Mel, his tickets so everyone in my family (immediate) family except two of my siblings was going. I was so excited for it all to start already. My brother’s girlfriend Tiffany and I primped in front of the mirror for like an hour and then finally at 5 o’clock, we were ready to roll.

My sister D had all of our tickets, but she didn’t have Pete and Tiffany’s tickets so we had to run to my brother Henry’s in laws to pick those up. We finally get there at about 6:15pm, the concert starts at 7, but it’s literally down the street so no one was in any rush to get there…..with the exception of me, Jess, Sister #2 and Tiffany. We were all dying to see Carrie Underwood.

We finally get the ticket and are on our way AT 7pm. I was livid. I was so pissed, because you know that they’re not running on Samoan time so Carrie’s probably already on performing, but my sisters are like, nothing ever starts on time, we’re good still, no worries.


After clawing our way up into the Home Depot Center (literally fighting with everyone who was trying to cut in front of us, bypassing the entire long ass line behind us), we finally park and that’s when I hear it.

Carrie Underwood performing.

I was only mad for a little bit, because I was trying desperately not to let it get me down, because I was so determined to have a great time. I promised myself that I would see Carrie the next time she came into town, Jess made the same promise and then we both laughed ourselves silly because my Molly Mormon sister had just threatened to get her T Flats gang on some guy who called her a bitch for honking her horn at him (he was trying to cut in), to hear her throwing insults out the window at the white old man that was trying to cut in front of us, had me rolling even long after the concert was done, because she even threw up some gang signs…me and Jess couldn’t stop laughing. She kept throwing, “You’re in my hood faggot!” out there at everyone who tried to cut in front of her, gosh it was comedy…even the car full of girls that was in the next lane was laughing at her, I swear it was right out of a comedy movie, she was so crazy that night.

When we finally got INSIDE, Dierks Bentley was singing, A Lot of Living Left To Do, and because only me and Jess know DB songs, we were skipping and singing along to him. It was good times, we sat at the top of the stairs for a long time, while my sisters took in the surroundings, me and Jess were in our own little world, checking out this guy and that guy, laughing at this girl and that girl and then Dierks started singing, What Was I Thinking and me and Jess started doing our country line dancing which had some guys coming over to dance with us. And because we threw in some of our ghetto booty dances, they were gleefully trying to stick to our sides, but of course they were already way past being drunk, they were plastered. We couldn’t be bothered, we left them standing there dancing with each other and ran off to catch up to my sisters and Tiffany.

We met Tiffany’s parents up there and Jess and I danced up a storm with Tiff’s Dad who was gone singing along to Dierks Bentley right along with us. I’m telling you, Tiff’s dad is like a straight up Biker Dude, but he had some down ass dance moves though, he gave us a run for our money.

Before going down to our seats, we all went to grab our concert tee shirts and a drink. I got me a Carrie Underwood shirt, A Dierks Bentley shirt AND a Kenny shirt. I love them all. LOL. Everyone else only got a Kenny shirt but not me. Dierks was doing good and my favorite shirt up there WAS a DB shirt so I got it. LOL. We grabbed our pretzels instead of drinks and went to our seats. None of us took the time to eat during the day, too hyped up on the concert to take the time to eat, that we made plans to eat after the concert.

So, we go down and we’re all talking and dancing and me and Jess are dancing along to Settle for a Slow Down and just loving it, because surprisingly Dierks Bentley is a MUCH better performer live then he is on TV, on TV he bores me to death but live he had me out of my seat singing along to his songs, and when he ended with Come a Little Closer, I was hella singing at the top of my lungs.

And then the sun went down, and the boys got there and then the moment of truth.

Kenny came out. Everyone was looking toward the stage when the big poster fell and the band started playing, we’re all screaming and me and Jess are like, “I can’t even see him but I’m screamin’!” And we couldn’t see him because he wasn’t even on the stage, he was on a platform in the middle of the stadium, IN THE CROWD. RIGHT IN FRONT OF US.

He starts with Summertime (which is my ringtone) and so me and Jess are singing at the top of our lungs and choo hooing like true Samoans and then he turns around and is like, “I see you guys over there!” And he points at our section and our section goes completely wild. We’re all dancing and he sang the entire second verse to us….it was good stuff right there…the energy in that stadium was just unreal. Kenny sang song after song after song and the crowd sang right along with him.

Now, if you know my hyper ass, you should already know I was hella getting down (Holly you remember, Grace you too!), I can’t dance like a country girl, but shootttttt….I can get down. And I was, we were so loud, me and Jess were, making my sisters laugh and then my brothers who were sitting a couple of rows in back of us, came down and were dancing with us, having such a good time. Jess is a horrible singer and at concerts I am too, but do you think we cared? We were singing at the top of our lungs off key, dancing and just having us a good ol’ time. My sisters have taken to calling us Brokenote Mountain but they were glad we came with them.

Kenny’s concert was great as usual, but he didn’t sing my song, What I Need to Do, and I was mad at him for a little bit about that, but aside from not singing that song, I was very happy with the concert, this was Jess’ first Kenny concert and she swears she’s never missing another concert again….good times, good times guys.

The night started out on a really high note, Dierks was great, Kenny was off the chains but then the night went downhill after that, and I’ll let you guys know all about the drama that unfolded afterward later…I gotta get to work.

The Countdown Has Officially Closed…

16 06 2006

…because tomorrow is the big day.

The waiting is over, tomorrow evening I will be in Carson, California along with thousands of other die hard Kenny fans from all over California waiting for Kenny to come out on stage and rock our socks. It’s become a sort of summer tradition in my family for all of the Adults to get tickets for his concert and attend it together. We’ve been going for 3 years strong so far and we have sworn that we will never miss another Kenny concert again. My sister H and I missed last year’s concert because of random things that we couldn’t get away from, since they went to the Vegas concert but no more will we ever miss another concert.

H is driving out from Colorado, as I type this out just for the concert and then she’s going to stay for an entire month, which means that I’ll get to see my little one, Kainoa for a whole flippin’ MONTH, gosh it’s going to be a great summer! Dude, I can’t wait!

OOOOOH WEEEEEEEEEEE, it’s down to a mere few hours before we’ll be chanting “Kenny” and doing our little hula to When the Sun Goes Down, damn is it Saturday yet?

Entertainer of the Year…

7 12 2005

…is most definitely Keith Urban.

That man knows just how to fiddle with his guitar to drive the crowd wild. I went to his concert last night with two of my friends and man was I blown away at how great Keith is live. His show was non stop entertainment and he was crowd friendly, even going as far as bringing a fan out of the audience and singing, You Look Good In My Shirt and reading a sign that said, “5000 miles and still no Kiss” then jumping off the stage to gift the lucky girl with a kiss, with thousands of fans looking on in infinite envy. Me being one of them.

Most concerts that I have been to, the main event doesn’t come on until about 9pm, so when the lights went out and the crowd went wild and it was only 8:30pm, I thought, yeah right..Keith is not going to come out so soon, is he? And sure enough, in the absolute dark they start playing the first chords of Days Go By and then Flash and in comes Keith, going to town on his guitar and then starts belting out the song, I was amazed that he stayed on the stage for over two hours, singing to us, song after song.

It was the absolute best concert I’ve been to this year and Ive been to some pretty great concerts this year, I even met Maroon 5. But, Keith blew everyone out with his awesome show last night at the Gibson Amphitheater…it was so awesome! When we first got there, Deanna Carter was just coming on and while she didn’t wow me, she wasn’t the worst person to ever grace a stage. And it was during her set when we first ran into our first bit of nonsense…my friends and I were talking about our favorite subjects: Books, and some old biddies in front of us turned around and told us to shut up because they were trying to listen to some music. I snapped back at her, but forgot about her and thought, oh hell no..she waits until Keith comes out, but she was forgotten when Keith came out, and I kicked her seat every chance I got so I was good with that, especially since I know she was miffed that I kept ‘kicking’ her chair! LOL.

This concert was every bit as good as I thought it was going to be. Keith Urban sure knows how to etertain and when he gave props to Kenny Chesney (my favorite singer), I went absolutely nuts, because it made me love Keith even more. He’s really gifted with a guitar, a set of drums, the piano, the man knows how to do it all, it makes me uber jealous of Nicole Kidman because I certainly wouldn’t mind coming home to Keith every night.

Until next year, Keith…rock on!