Meme: 7 Things.

28 01 2008

Alright, last week Devonna tagged me for this meme and I love these things I’m doing it right now.

1. I am pretty bummed right now because the Prophet of my Church died last night and I was with friends with I found out and we sat around the table last night and swapped stories of our most memorable memories of that great man. He lived to be 97 years old and he led our Church in a way that made me so proud to be apart of this wonderful Church. He will definitely be missed by me and by everyone who’s a member of my Church.

2. I’m a girly girl. I love everything girly. I’m a big fan of chick lit, romance, chick flicks and cute purses and wedges.

3. My favorite song right now is Cry For Me by Mario, I don’t know why I just love this song.

4. I sometimes wish that Jake Jagelski would come back to Tree Hill with Jenny.

5. I’m the proud mama of the leading scorer for Brenna’s basketball game this past weekend, WOO HOO BRENNA!

6. I heart Justin Timberlake.

7. I have a crush on Lucas Scott and sometimes his brother, Nathan Scott from One Tree Hill.

There you go, that wasn’t so hard, I don’t think.

I’m going to tag: Anyone who wants to do this.

Thursday Thirteen…Shows that I Can’t Get…

27 12 2007


…enough of.

I’m a TV addict. I watch entirely too much TV and to be honest, I don’t give a dang because I just love my shows. There are quite a few shows that I watch either, religiously or watch when I can but love anyway.

Here’s my list of shows that I’m watching this season:

1. The Hills. So technically, this show is done but dude, I loved me some The Hills. I loved watching Lauren go through the many different obstacles her life threw at her from her trying to prove herself at work so that she could get another shot at Paris to her feud with Heidi and Spencer and then with her budding whatever it was with Brody. I just love Lauren, she totally rocks and I heart Brody Jenner a lot…they’re so much fun and they look like they lead such glamorous lives, it’s cute.

2. One Tree Hill. Last season of One Tree Hill was my favorite season thus far but with the new season looming before us, I can only hope that this break from the OTH gang will bring with them a fantastically written 5th season, I’m so hoping for this since it’s been so long since I’ve seen the crew back together again…

3. American Idol. This is a show that I can’t wait for, it’s coming back next month with a whole new pack of Pop Star wannabe’s, I seriously hope for some new eye candy just like Chris Richardson from last he was hot stuff!

4. Brothers and Sisters. This is the show that I love to watch on Sunday nights. It’s actually the only show that I watch every Sunday but I just love the Walkers, seriously…how can you not love the Walkers?

5. Clash of the Choirs. Okay so this show finished last week but man, this show was really good…did you guys watch any of it? It was about 5 choirs competing to win money for their home towns and I was rootin’ on Team Lachey because I just heart Nick. I’m so glad that his choir won because after they did the Flight of the Bumblebee, they totally deserved that win.

6. Gossip Girl. Okay this is my big winner of the fall season for best new show. It’s like The O.C. only on the East Coast, I love the characters and I always wonder if Carrie Underwood is watching the show since she’s been linked with Chace Crawford, who plays Nate on the show…this is such a cute drama, I’m so glad that Grace pimped it to me, I lubs it a lot!

7. Pushing Daisies. I started watching this show because Izzy said that she loved it, I have since come to love Ned, Chuck and even Olive. This show is funny, cute and just addicting. I love everything about this show and seriously, Ned is a stud! =)

8. Ace of Cakes. I heart baking shows. I love to bake so the food network is one of those channels that gets a lot of attention from me because as much as I love to bake, I love watching people bake too and this show makes some of the most awesome looking cakes I’ve ever seen and watching how these cakes came to be makes for some great TV and I heart Geoff, he’s so cute!

9. October Road. Gosh but I love this show. I love Nick and I love Sam and though Hannah gets on my nerves because she’s with frickin’ Big Cat, I still like her. It’s not this big ol’ to do show that pulls out all of the stops, it’s one of those shows that doesn’t take itself too seriously and is just great entertainment with a great cast, I seriously heart this show and can’t get enough of it.

10. The Tudors. Last season, I was all about this show and Charles Brandon. Next month, this show comes back and I cannot wait to watch the new season, I hope there’s more Charles Brandon (because he’s a total fox) and I just want to see where the writers are going to take this bunch of should definitely be interesting.

11. Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood. Have you guys watched that episode with David Beckham in it? That show was frickin’ hilarious and has turned me on to this show, who knew Snoop Dogg and his family was so frickin’ hilarious…trust me, they are. Frickin’ Snoop got David frickin’ Beckham to lie to his wife, oh man it was great!

12. General Hospital. I’ve watched this show for freaking ever and I cannot get enough, speaking of, it comes on in about 15 minutes and I can’t wait to see what’s going to be on and poppin’ today in Port Charles, JASON AND LIZ are together ya’ll…YAY! Finally. But seriously, I want to see more Patrick, show me some more Patrick Drake please.

13. The Office. How can you not love the Office? Jim and Pam are finally together and the world didn’t end, goodness, that’s good TV, too bad it’s not on anymore…*sigh* I miss The Office, LOVE IT!

What shows can you not get enough of?

Thursday Thirteen…What I Want For Christmas.

20 12 2007


There are quite a few things that I want for Christmas, here’s what they are…

1. One Tree Hill to hurry up and come back next week, Tuesday.
2. Nathan to cut his hair already on One Tree Hill.
3. Brody and Lauren end up together on The Hills.
4. For Hannah to stop being such a wishy washy stupid airhead on October Road and admit she’s got it bad for hottie with a body, Nick Garrett.
5. More Janet and Eddie because I think they are adorably cute on October Road.
6. Owen kick Ikey’s butt again on October Road, LOL.
7. Liz and Jason be an out in the open, scream from the rooftops couple on General Hospital, already…I mean seriously, it’s been 7 years in the making, GET IT TOGETHER ALREADY!
8. Johnny Zacarra be a better kisser on General Hospital because I saw him kiss Lulu yesterday on GH and that kiss didn’t look good at all, I think he needs a kissin tutor, I think I might have to apply for that job…seriously.
9. Lily and Rufus get together and stay together and have lots and lots of, well…speaking of babies, their babies are doing each other, GROSS! Umm, still Lily and Rufus need to be together. They belong together like Mariah Carey said.
10. Sam McCall on General Hospital get killed by the Text Message Killer because somebody need to kill her or I will, I hate that biznatch!
11. McSteamy get his own storyline on Grey’s.
12. I wanna see Lucas’ cousin/sister on One Tree Hill, LOL.
13. Danny and Sam ending up together on …Las Vegas, be quiet Grace, they belong together, I just know it! LOL.

Thursday Thirteen: Books I’m Gonna Read…

13 12 2007


…in 2008.

I’m not talking about New Releases (well those too) but mostly I’m just going to tell ya’ll what books I WILL be reading next year, that are for sure books…that I look forward to reading next year.

1. Blood Brothers by Nora Roberts.

2. Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You by Judith McNaught.

3. Shadow Music by Julie Garwood.

4. The Warrior by Kinley MacGregor.

5. Voyeur by Lacey Alexander.

6. Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder.

7. Big Boned by Meg Cabot.

8. She Went All The Way by Meg Cabot.

9. On the Loose by Tara Janzen.

10. Midnight Angel by Lisa Kleypas.

11. Jemima J by Jane Green.

12. You Don’t Know Jack by Erin McCarty.

13. All Through the Night by Suzanne Brockmann.

Until next week…

Meme: Friday 5!

7 12 2007

I’m trying out this new Friday 5 Meme, it works the same way the other meme’s work and I don’t have anything to blog about today so I’m going to do this…bear with me, will ya?

Pasted from:

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Friday 5! Please copy these questions to your online journal. Answer the questions there, then leave us a comment below so we can all check out your responses! Don’t forget to link us from your website, please!

  1. What playground game do you remember most fondly? Tag, Freeze Tag and Red Rover, oh and Mother May I? and Steal the Bacon.
  2. What playground game did you just hate? Hide and Seek because they always found my punk a word.
  3. Which playground apparatus did you most enjoy? Swings! Oh and carems, did anyone play carems? Dang that was the bomb…oh and tetherball!
  4. Which playground apparatus did you generally avoid or not care much for? Jungle Gym but only because the boys always climbed to the top and threw sand down at us girls so I stayed away from that. Jerk boys.
  5. What playground game might be really fun if grownups played it with adult rules? Steal the Bacon…we played that before and it was tons of fun!

Thanks for playing, and have a playful weekend!

Thursday Thirteen ….Christmas.

6 12 2007


This week I’m going to write about my favorite Christmas things…or the 13 things I love most about the Christmas holiday. Wish me luck.

1. Christmas Trees. I love coming home to the smell of fresh Christmas trees in the house. It always puts me in a good mood.

2. Nsync’s Happy Holidays Album. Yeah, I said it, I hecka love this album! It’s the best and I always look forward to listening to it the day after Thanksgiving and since the album came out, without fail we listen to the entire album (it’s one of those albums that I can listen to from beginning to end) and the kids make their Christmas list and we get ready for Christmas. My favorite song changes every year too, I haven’t chosen one for this year but I will…soon.

3. Christmas Ham. Man, I so look forward to the Christmas ham that my sister makes, the glaze she makes for the ham is what totally makes the entire ham so much gooey fun to eat…LOVE IT!

4. Christmas Shopping. You always get good prices on things (well if you don’t wait until the very last minute and there’s nothing left) like for Kainoa’s present, I got him a rockin’ new scooter that’s usually $50 for only $20…bargain? Pssttt, YEAH!

5. Christmas Cookies. When I was little, my Aunt and us kids used to make sugar cookies and decorate them however we wanted…it was always so much fun and we used to get flour EVERYWHERE and it was okay! haha.

6. Christmas Decorations. Our house looks great! We have mini Christmas trees lining our walk way to the front door, our Christmas lights are up and the kids even decorated with the windows and it looks like a winter wonderland and I just love it!

7. Christmas Carols. Our choir at Church is singing in our Stake’s Christmas Carol thingy they’ve got going on and when we first started practicing, I swear we sucked big donkey balls but now? Yeah, we’re actually pretty good and I’m actually pretty excited to be singing our Christmas songs…we rock!

8. Christmas Presents. In my family, as soon as you turn 18, you usually stop getting presents and it doesn’t bother me because the biggest joys I get during Christmas is watching the kids tear into their presents and the smiles, the squeals of joy and just their happiness makes all the fighting in the aisles for that very toy, the arguing with the workers for the right price totally worth it. I love watching Brenna all excited about her gifts!

9. Christmas Parties. Alright, seriously?? Our Christmas parties are always so cool and so much fun, I love having people over and drinking hot chocolate and apple cider, while we listen to Christmas music and laugh the whole night away, it’s the best, I love it!

10. Christmas gift hiding. Getting the gifts inside the house without the kids seeing always cracks me the heck up. We got caught so many times last year and me and my sister always laugh about it becuase we tried to hide all the toys but Chase saw them anyway and trying to convince him that these toys weren’t for him that we were just holding them for Santa cracks me up every time I think about it because he totally believed us until Christmas morning.

11. Christmas Program. The Christmas program that our kids put on ALWAYS makes me cry. You can see the work that they put into it and watching the kids recite their parts always makes me all teary eyed because they’re so frickin’ cute and then when they start singing the Christmas songs, I love it!

12. The True Meaning of Christmas. It’s always good to remember the real meaning of Christmas and during this time, I always ponder the gift of life and the blessings I have in my life and it always makes me smile because, I really and truly am blessed.

13. Christmas Cards! I really suck about getting these out but I love getting them, they’re always so cool and I love the Christmas cards that come with a letter from the family, letting us know what they’ve been up to this year and all that, those are always so cool…this year, Im going to try my hardest to get some cards sent out from me and Brenna. Seriously.


Thursday Thirteen: Things That Have…

15 11 2007

….made me smile this week.

I know, I haven’t written up a list in a long while but I’m hoping that will change since I’m on WordPress and can access this whenever I hot dang want to. So anyway, this week I’ve decided that I’m going to blog about thirteen things that have made me smile this week and since it was my birthday there was lots to smile about.

My list:

1. Brenna made me smile because I was reading some notes we wrote back and forth to each other in Church and she was asking me about Nathan and I jokingly told her that he doesn’t like me anymore because he said I’m not pretty. She said most seriously, “you’re pretty to me, Mom and I love you” it was so cute when she said because she gave me a hug and I smiled this week, remembering that.

2. Chase made me smile when he said, “Happy Birthday Aunty Wena, you’re so beautiful to me, I love you.” The seriousness in his voice made me smile, he’s so cute.

3. Seeing my new nephew, Brody and holding him in my arms.

4. Cheridan made me smile when she was cheering for Makenna at her game, she kept screaming, “GO MAKENNY CHESNEY!” instead of saying, “GO MAKENNA!” She’s such a crackhead, I love it.

5. The look of pure joy on Jarred’s face after his team won the League Championship game on Friday.

6. Seeing my entire family under the same roof as we came together to celebrate the new addition in our family.

7. Getting such pretty flowers from my boyfriend in Texas. =)

8. The emails and the texts and the comments that my friends sent me throughout the day of my birthday, thanks guys!

9. The cupcake cake that my best friend dropped off at FHE. She couldn’t make it to FHE but she still made time to drive over and drop off a cake and make sure that they sing happy birthday to me to make me feel special. She rocks.

10. My new phone coming in the mail a day earlier than I expected! YAY ME!

11. Watching Gabriel Macht in Because I Said So, he’s so frickin’ cute, I was cheesin’ it every time he showed up on the screen. =)

12. My best friend lunch. We went to lunch and we gossiped and laughed and lost track of time and it was just great, it made me smile because we haven’t done that in a long time.

13. Coming home to see Ahbrey’s raising her arms for me to pick her up, she’s just the cutest little thing and I love me some her!

I’m blessed, yes…I know this! =) Happy Thursday everyone!

My Desktop!

30 10 2007

So, I was tagged a few weeks ago to do this on my blog by my good friend, Dev over at Good Reads!

Here’s how you play:

A. Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop. It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. You can do a screen capture by going to your desktop and pressing the Print Screen (located on the right of your F12 key). Open a graphics proram (like Picture Manager, Paint or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V) If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it.

B. Post the picture in your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop just below it if you want. You can tell why you preferred such a look or why it is full of icons. Things like that.

C. Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktop as well.

D. Add your name to this list of Free Viewers with a link pointing directly to your Desktop Free View post to promote it to succeeding participating.

If you want to see a directory of the people that have participated in this, check out this link: Dev and Good Reads.

Here’s what my desktop at home looks like:

Alright, this is a picture that was taken this summer at my family reunion, this is most of my family on my Mom’s side. We’re a big Polynesian family and this is what we look like. I’ll have to do the one of my work computer later.