One Tree Hill: Season 3, ???

31 05 2007


Was that epsiode not explosive or WHAT???? Dude, it ended with a big BOOM!

And I did my happy dance like it was no thang! YOU GO LUCAS, you are not the push over that I thought you’d be with this, you did me so friggin’ proud it’s not even funny! The way you lit into Dan and stood your ground where Dan was concerned, Oh Mylanta, I couldn’t have been more proud! Holy wow, I was not expecting what you did tonight but man am I glad you did it! Even with Karen collapsing on the floor and might be losing her baby and her life in the process, don’t even care because YOU DID THE DAMN THANG, WOO HOO!!!!

Somebody give me a gun because I’m going to shoot Karen in the neck! Lucas, let me borrow yours (or Debs, whoever) because your Moms is straight trizzipin’ and she needs to be shot in the neck!

If anything pissed me off in this episode, it wasn’t that Haley didn’t get to give her speech (even though I thought that was hella stupid because why would she get in trouble for something NATHAN did, she didn’t have any knowledge of it nor did she have anything to do with that so why in the hell did she get in trouble for it? STUPID STUPID STUPID!) and it couldn’t piss me off because in true Prince Charming form, Nathan got her speech back for her and made me love him all the more, the thing that pissed me the hell off was that Karen took Dan’s word over Lucas. The same Dan that dumped her for Deb and Nathan, the same Dan who wasn’t a father to Lucas AT ALL in the entire time that Lucas has been alive, the same Dan who has driven his ex wife Deb (the same Deb that he dumped HER for) crazy, the same Dan who’s own son, Nathan emancipated himself from and moved out of his house because the fool was crazy over the son who has been nothing but good to you? The son who has loved you and been there for you throughout everything…all of a sudden, Lucas is the crazy one and you’re taking advice from your stupid ass exboyfriend who didn’t want you before and only wants you now because he’s got no one else?

You are dumber than a box of rocks Karen and I hope that you get it screwed back on straight before something bad happens to you…or Lucas.

Dan is bad news, you of all people should know this and yet there you go, being stupid in love with the same stupid shithead that did you dirty so many frickin’ times.


Why would you want to be with someone who was a horrible father to your son, an even more horrible father to the son he claimed, not to mention how horrible he was to his own brother, the man you really loved.

Makes not one damn bit of sense to me and goodness you are getting on my hot damn nerves with all of this Lucas I think you should talk to a professional about this, we both do business, I wanted to slap that look of concern off your stupid face because your whole world will come crashing down around you if you stay with Dirty Dan, I mean look at you next week…you’re fighting for your life because Lucas felt he needed to protect you from Dan and all because YOU DIDN’T BELIEVE YOUR OWN SON!

You stupid biznatch!

The whole Brooke/Chase thing was nicely put together, just as the whole Mouth/Gigi thing was tied neatly in a nice and pretty bow.

What I wondered about this episode was Peyton. Peyton when you needed Lucas, he was always there whether you told him about your problems or not, now that Lucas needs YOU, you’re nowhere to be found. What is up with that? I mean, you said so yourself that something was wrong with Lucas, you knew something was up with him but did you ask him? Did you make any kind of effort to find out what exactly was bothering him and try to be there for him?

NO! What is up with that?

Ugh, Lucas is always getting the short end of the stick and he’s the most deserving of happiness on the show, well besides Naley…

..the whole Naley thing was cute, I loved how they’re such a solid unit. They stand together through everything and get through everything TOGETHER. Nothing else matters, nothing else is more important than the two of them and I just love how they fight their battles together and win for each other. I’ll always love them, gosh I hope they stay together forever.

Jimmy Edwards yearbook was hmmm, I don’t know how I feel about that. I mean yeah, so he was picked on in school. He got punked and so he brought a gun to school and tried to shoot everyone up. Innocent kids, snobby kids, popular kids, ALL KIDS, he scared ALL OF THEM by bringing a gun to school with the intent to hurt other kids, the way they hurt him. Should I feel sorry for him? I don’t know, should I want to write nice things about him in his yearbook? What he did wasn’t the right way to handle anything and I just can’t like this storyline so I’m going to stay out of it…I’m just blah about it, that’s what I’m going to say about it.

Oh damn, I cannot effing wait for next weeks show…does Karen live or die? Did Lucas kill Dan? What happens with the rest of the kids?

Until next week…

A New Blog To Check Out…

30 05 2007

A couple of romancelandia greats have opened new blogs, so be sure to check them out, alrighty?

Stella Price and Rene Lyons have decided to have an online account of the ramblings and conversations they have with each other. Be prepared to be stupefied as Rene and Stella have some very amusing conversations with each other. Let’s face it, they aren’t the most conservative of people. So what you will find at Delicious Darkness is pretty much anything that crosses their warped minds. From industry gripes, word of the day, movie reviews, useless knowledge, right down to their completely off the cuff opinions. So, go take a peek at their blog and peer into the minds of two opinionated and playful women.

You can find their blog at:

Another blog that opens it’s doors today is Romantic Advances! Sybil of The Good, The Bad and The Unread and Jane from Dear Author with the help of other bloggers have opened a new blog where you can find the release dates for your favorite books without having to slog all over the internet to find it.

From their blog:

This website is created by readers for readers. We wanted to stop wasting time trying to find out what is coming NEXT. So we’ve collated information from publishers, authors and booksellers to provide a central place for all the latest romance book release information.

It’s the perfect idea, isn’t it? Check them out…

One Tree Hillers…On Tonight’s OTH.

30 05 2007

Happy Belated Memoral Day!!!

29 05 2007

What did you guys get into yesterday?


My family and I spent the morning talking, about the people that are fighting in the war, about the people who died in wars, people we knew who died fighting for our country and we prayed for those who are fighting now (I prayed for Adam, Izzy) and those who have gotten back from the war and are trying to get used to life back in the states. I’m truly very grateful to my friends and family who serve our country and fight to keep us safe, it’s nice to have a holiday where we remember the fallen soldiers and treasure the soldiers out there, doing all that they can to keep me and my family safe.

Their work and sacrifice is most definitely appreciated.

I spent the day in Compton, California …eating, gossiping and laughing, a lot. I woke up around 9am and then got dressed and waited for Mulu to get to the house and then we stopped by Barnes and Noble so that I can pick up the latest book in the Crazy series, I think it’s called, Crazy Sweet, it’s Travis the stud’s book, I hear it’s not as good as the other books and now I’m all scared to read it, but oh well, it’s part of the series and I will finish out the series, it’s what I do. Anyway, after I called Ames at work to bug her and get the name of the book since I was unsure of which books I had, I bought the book and then we were off.

The food was great Therese, ya’ll should definitely pat yourselves on the back because that barbeque sauce was off the heezie fo’ sheezie good! The ribs were the bomb, even if they did mess me up and make me want to do the dump dance like crazy! But still, I loved it! And that mango drink that you have, the Sunny Delight one, man I need to find that because it was the bomb, where did you get it? Food for Less? I’m gonna have to ditch Ralphs and go there and get one, I love that drink!

And the faiks was the bomb…only Miah can know that much drama and share all with us, I still wanna know what the shady business was but whatever, I loved it! Gotta love Miah and his motor mouth, hehe…

After we left Theresa’s house in Compton, we drove over to our friend Justin from Church’s house for Family Home Evening…dude, Justin’s house is sick with it. He’s got a tri level townhouse and it’s got everything you’d ever want in the house, including the Nintendo Wii, a pool table, a ping pong table, a foozball table, it’s a total bachelor pad, done out in style. You walk in on the bottom floor and that’s his roommate’s domain, then you go upstairs to the second floor and that’s the loft where everything is, the entertainment section of the house. That’s the part of the house that be on and poppin’ like Chris Brown sings about in his song.

It’s like a modern bachelor pad for the rich peeps, it’s got everything you could possibly want to have and it’s just fabulous! It is our official party palace and we will be going back there for sure.

Over there, we shared more laughs, ate some more food and played on Justin’s differnent toys, his computer, his lap top, his Nintendo Wii, the pool table and just errthang, it was a great way to spend a day off from work…and it was Justin who introduced me to my new addiction for listening to music at work…Imeem. You can make playlists, make new friends and share music all over this website and it’s just a fun little site to play around at. Mulu is all about the Bebo, so I’ve checked that site out, which is like New Zealand’s Myspace but it’s just too hot damn confusing so I think I’m just going to stick with myspace, atleast for now. So yeah I had a great time this weekend, what about you guys?

…so now that you know what I did, what did you guys do?

*the picture was cute and my friend Ralph played volleyball yesterday so that’s where that came from*

Movie Review: Shooter.

28 05 2007

Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Kate Mara, Michael Pena, Danny Glover.
Rating: R
Running Time: 2 hours, 6 minutes
Grade: C

Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg), a former Marine Corps sniper who leaves the military after a mission goes bad. After he is reluctantly pressed back into service, Swagger is double-crossed again. With two bullets in him and the subject of a nationwide manhunt, Swagger begins his revenge, which will take down the most powerful people in the country.

So last night a group of friends and I (Hey Therese, I know you’ll read this sooner or later, haha) went to see this movie and I for one, truly enjoyed it. I loved watching Mark Wahlberg’s sexy self blow up houses and trees and every other damn thing in the world, while taking out the evil bad guys all by himself while severely outnumbered but as in all movies, well most of them, Bob Lee Swagger came out on top, he got the bad guys who were trying to frame him for the attempted murdered on the President and boy did he make them all pay.

This movie was great fun to watch, very fast paced and action packed. There was a lot of shooting, great car chases and crap being blown up. Great fun, there was a great plot, one that had you rootin’ Bob Lee Swagger and Nick Memphis, the FBI Agent who got beat the hell up for his car when Bob Lee was trying to make his escape.

Mark Wahlberg was hot damn fine in this movie and the girl in this movie, she was really pretty. I’m glad that he didn’t have sex with her because it would have been weird since she was, well, who she was. If you wanna find out who she was then watch the movie, but suffice it to say that this movie was filled with lots of guns, shooting and conspiracies…

A fun one, watch it!

Dear Co Worker Friend,

25 05 2007

Yesterday when I came into your office, I was being my usual everyone loves Rowena self and making everyone laugh and looking pretty spiffy if I say so myself when I noticed sitting in the corner, was a good looking guy that I’ve never seen before in my life.

He was not looking at me, nor was he paying any attention to me so I turned to you and nodded in his direction, giving you the raising my eyebrow in question, who is that and where did he come from look that you know I only give you when I’m like, DAMN WHO IS THAT? and want to know who the hell he is. I know you saw that look because you shook your head real quick like and said, “No.”

It was your No that caught his attention because he looked up and saw me. He smiled. I smiled back at him and then you were forced to introduce us and he stood up.

I liked what I saw.

A lot.

He seemed to like what he saw too if the way his smile spread across his face all slowly while he took in stock. His look made me all giddy and yippee inside, bringing on a slow burn that I knew I was going to like.

And even though you introduced me as “The Polynesian” instead of the name my Mom and Dad gave me, I wasn’t caring because he was smiling and he had such a cutie smile. I tried to stay as long as I could but since he was there to do a job with the other two guys that he came with and they were waiting for him, we had to cut our little flirt fest short and since my business in your office was done, I was forced back to my upstairs domain and we weren’t able to cross paths, so I didnt see him for a good deal of the day.

Turns out he was out here from the East Coast auditing your department for our Business Unit. So he was pretty busy since he was only going to be in town for yesterday, which explained why I didn’t see him all that often considering he was in the SCIF the whole day and I’m not allowed to go in there since I’m not cleared.

But I knew he was downstairs, with you and I knew that because you’re my friend, you were trying to hook me up, because you know, I’d do the same for you.

So imagine my surprise when we were talking after work and I asked about him and you changed the subject. I was thinking, oh okay well maybe I was forgettable. Whatever, I guess, damn, but oh well. And then while I’m standing outside waiting for you, playing on my phone (texting with Chelsea), I notice that his friends are sitting in the car waiting for him and you walk out with him, talking and laughing and I can tell you’re being fake because that wasn’t your real laugh you gave him and when he saw me, I saw him smile and I know my face lit up but I didn’t say anything because you made it seem like he wasn’t interested, he said to me that it was nice to meet me and I said the same to him, then he put his hand out for me to take and I took it, I took it and asked him when he was leaving for home and he said that his flight was leaving today in the morning and when I told him that it was too bad, I really meant it because damn, he was really cute. He had cute blue eyes and he was tall and cutesy but in my head I was thinking, damn he’s not for me….because YOU MADE IT SEEM LIKE HE WASN’T INTERESTED!

But today, I was talking to Nicole at the front desk and I was telling her about the guy from yesterday and how hot damn he looked good and she was agreeing with me up until I said, “Man, I saw him checking me out but I guess he’s married or something because he didn’t take any of my hints”

Imagine my surprise when Nicole says, “What? Girl he wanted you, he was asking Sharon all these damn questions about you about where you’re from, what nationality you are, he said that you were really cute and he wanted your number, but Sharon said no, you weren’t interested. Hell, if I knew I would’ve hooked you up. But Sharon said you didn’t want to talk to him.”

So my question to you, my dear friend Sharon is…


I asked you what happened and you said, “Nothing happened.” And you changed the subject, you made me think he wasn’t interested, that he said NOTHING about me and yet that wasn’t the case at all? Is it because you wanted him for yourself and he didn’t want you, is that why you’ve brought on the cockblockin’? Is that what this is all about?

Oh hold on, you’re calling me right now, I’m bout to ask you right the hell now.

Alright, I’m back and your answer was, “Because he’s an asshole.”

Oh hell to the no.

He had a nice ass to me, but now I won’t get to know him or anything because he went back home and I’m here and I don’t have his number or his last name and you keep telling me I’d be better off without him.

What the flip?

I’m so pissed at you right now I could spit and I don’t want to spit because I’m sitting at my desk and that’s just gross but dude, Sharon…that guy was fine. Don’t call me for lunch today because you’re eating by your damn self today and you can just forget about me sharing David Beckham with you EVER AGAIN.

Hater. I hate haters.


This Week’s The Tudors….

25 05 2007

…pissed me the hell off.


I waited to publish this post because I wanted to give my sister Grace some time to watch the show and then we’d be able to gush together (since nobody else is able to watch it with us) but hot damn, I’m just so effing pissed off because I watched it again tonight and hot damn, I’m pissed all over again.

I just have one damn question to ask the writers of The Tudors. Who the hell is going to come back for Season 2 if you keep killing everydamnbody off?

All of my favorite characters are getting killed off and seriously? I’M SO OVER IT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW, SHIT BALLS!

And Charles Brandon, you stop your whoring around right this minute, you hear me? You are starting to piss me the hell off with all of your tomcatting around England. This is totally what you get for everything that you’ve put Margaret through. All the times you’ve cheated on her and thought that you were being the “man”, well this is what you get. You stupid prick! If you weren’t so hot damn HOT, I’d hate your stupid guts you effing fool!

I cringe every single time that you come on screen now because I know you’re just going to do something else that pisses me the hell effing off. Like, the whole ordeal with friggin’ Norfolk and Boleyn? Yeah I hate IT! Oh gosh please say that you learned from what happened this week and that you’re going to change your ways for HER, please say that you’re going to do it.

And you just can’t please the King, huh? You keep effing up in his eyes, but how could you have told him that Margaret was sick, huh? WHEN YOU YOURSELF DIDN’T KNOW BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO BUSY PORKING YOUR WAY THROUGH THE ENTIRE CONTINENT!!!

Ugh, I’m so effing disgusted with you but I can’t help but hold out hope that you will get better, your character will learn from everything but right now, it just aint happening.

Ugh…if you haven’t guessed, I’m pissed…royally pissed. So pissed in fact that I can’t even be bothered to talk about the other crap on this show that is pissing me the hell off.


For You One Tree Hillers Out There…

24 05 2007

…check it out.

Now isn’t that just fantabulous news? I mean, yeah we’ve got to wait until January but it’s coming back ya’ll…let’s be happy with that, eh? And I can’t wait to see them all back in their 20’s starting out on life and where life will take them…hehe.


And We Have A Winner!

24 05 2007

Playing Hookie…

23 05 2007

…is so much fun!