Thursday Thirteen…13 Things About Me.

14 06 2007

Alright, this is the first time for a lot of things this week. I’m doing the Booking Through Thursday meme but I’m also going to try my hand at this Thursday Thirteen meme as well. I’ve seen it on a lot of blogs and I want to participate so here I am, being apart of it and trying it out…

Since this is my very first Thursday Thirteen meme post, I thought it would be cool if I did a 13 post all about me. You know, just to introduce myself into the TT world. So without further adieu, here it is.

1. My real name really is Rowena. I don’t know too many people named Rowena and growing I hated my name because I was called it all, Roweener, Roweenie, blech blech blech, but as an adult I actually don’t mind my name so much anymore, I’m not mad at my parents anymore for not giving me a normal name, like Alyssa or Michelle or Brenna…I like that not a lot of people know a lot of Rowena’s and the name suits me, I guess…well at least it better since it’s the name I’m stuck with.

2. I’m 26 years old. And I want to stay 26 forever and ever, at the end of the year I’m supposed to turn 27 but meh, I’m not.

3. I’m #8 in 9 kids. I have 4 brothers and 4 sisters and then with me, there are 9 of us all together. I’m Samoan and Mormon, makes sense doesn’t it?

4. I live in California. I’m a California girl through and through and this is where I want to spend the rest of my life, I love having the beach not far from me and I’m not budgin’ from my spot because I love this place too much.

5. I have chocolate brown hair and eyes. My friend Theresa doesn’t believe me when I tell her this but I really do. She sees my hair and just says it’s brown, but that’s so dull and I’m far from being dull, so Theresa, get it straight…I have chocolate brown hair and eyes and their rich in color and volume.

6. I’m an Administrative Assistant. When I was a little girl, I wanted to grow up and be a teacher but then I got pregnant and had a baby and I had to skip college and get a job to support my baby and then I worked at Wal Mart for a little bit, moved back home and then got this job as an Administrative Assistant and I love it too much to quit it. I’m happy here.

7. I’m addicted to romance novels. This might be much of a surprise to anyone who is a regular reader of my blog or to the new readers who came over here and see all the books I have posted on my sidebar but really, I have so many books it’s not even funny, not nearly as much as my friend Holly but enough to make my sister scowl every time I walk into the house with more books. I love a happy ending and since I don’t have my own happy ending, I’m settling for reading about other fictional character’s happy ending, it soothes me right now.

8. I love to write stories but I have no desire to publish anything. I’ve written some stories, nothing deep or anything, but stories with happy endings, I love creating characters in my head and bringing them to life through words. I only share my stories with 4 of my friends and that’s probably all I’ll ever share them with but it makes me happy and I like having them to reread when the mood strikes, but would I want to get published and on the bestsellers list? Oh no, I’ll leave that stuff to the likes of Nora Roberts, Judith McNaught, Linda Howard and the rest of my favorite authors.

9. I’m not complete without my cell phone. It’s a funny thing, really. I haven’t had a cell phone for that many years and before I got my cell phone, I was more than okay with not having one but now that I have one, I’m lost without it. If I leave my phone at home, I’m grumpy and surly and just not fun to be around, I’ve been known to go all the way back home just to get it, because really, a grumpy Rowena is not a very fun Rowena and well, I’m all about the fun so make sure I have my cell phone with me before we go out or your good time may be in jeopardy.

10. I love meeting new people on the internet and befriending them. For me, there’s no such thing as too many friends. I have more online friends than I do offline friends, but that’s because all of my offline friends are either married or living in another state now. And when they get married, they disappear so it’s just me, Mulu and Theresa….but online, I have met some of the most sweetest and generous people and I am completely blessed to know them and call them friends.

11. My 10 Year High School Reunion is Next Year. I’m still undecided on if I’m going or not, I’m probably going to skip it but dude, 10 years after high school? Whoa. Don’t want to think about that.

12. My favorite ice cream right now is Cookie Dough. Some of my friends already know this but lately I’ve been craving cookie dough ice cream. I haven’t curbed my craving yet, I have no idea why. We bought cookie dough ice cream when we were at the store this past weekend but I didn’t get touch the ice cream and then we left but I really love that stuff. I wish I worked at an ice cream factory and could eat all of the cookie dough ice cream I want.

13. I love watching T.V. I stay at home a lot because I have a young daughter who has projects that she needs to do throughout the week nights and home work that needs to be done so sometimes while my friends are out having late night dinners or hanging out at another friend’s house, I’m usually at home bathing my daughter and watching Lucas almost kill his father, Dan while Brooke is confessing her sins to her principal and still being allowed to graduate with her friends. I love getting all mixed up in the lives of fictional characters because well, not much is poppin’ in my real life and sometimes it just sucks. But oh well.

Alright, I guess that’s it for this week. Come around next week and see what things I get into then. One more day until the weekend, WOO HOO!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. jdoriot. 2. Judi. 3. Danielle 4. Starrlight
5. Julia 6. Sockpuppet 7. Nicholas

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

I’m Going to Book It Through Thursday.

14 06 2007

…I found a blog on wordpress through my daily bloghops the other day called, Booking Through Thursdays and I thought it would be cool to participate in so I’m going to try and do this meme every Thursday from now on. Each week, on the blog they post a question and you answer it on your blog. It looks pretty cool and I sometimes don’t have things to blog about so this is going to be my Thursday thing…although I did see the Thirteen Thursday thing as well, I’d like to try that but for this Thursday I’m going to go with the BTT thing.

Anyway, on with the question(s) of the week:

  1. Do you cheat and peek ahead at the end of your books? Or do you resolutely read in sequence, as the author intended?
  2. And, if you don’t peek, do you ever feel tempted?

Do I cheat and peek ahead at the end of my books? Do I peek? Oh no! Am I a spoiler hoe? I think I’m turning into one, and that is completely Izzy’s fault. Izzy is the biggest spoiler hoe I know, probably the worst spoiler hoe in all the land and it’s totally rubbing off on me because I find myself wanting to know what is going to happen in a book that I’m reading long before it actually happens, but do I stoop down and actually read ahead? Oh no, never that, I’m much too wily for that mess, oh no, I just ask someone who’s already read the book and have them tell me what I want to know and then I either, gleefully continue the book or I sulk and press on in my quest to finish the story.

I’m always tempted to look at the very last page of the book to see exactly how the book is going to end, but I haven’t actually done it yet. I’ll browse through the middle of the book to see if I can spot one of the steamy love scenes but if I don’t pick up on the scene right when I start browsing, I give up and just start the book, I want the spoilers but I don’t want to be the one spoiling my fun, someone else has to do it and it’s funny because if you were to have asked me this a few months ago, my answer would have been an emphatic, HELL NO! But these days, that’s not the case.

Spoiler hoe, that’s me.

Guess What?

14 06 2007

I missed the season finale of One Tree Hill last night, oh the shame! I went dancing instead and had a complete blast so I have to watch the season finale online today and I’ll post my thoughts on the show just as soon as I can…so no worries!

So if you’re wondering where my post on OTH is, I can’t do it yet so I’ll have that up soon.
